Tagged: conspiracy theory

EXCLUSIVE Interview: The Green Movie Lamp Conspiracy…..Uncovered?!!

We covered some of the wild conspiracy theories that have weaved their way online about the emerald green lamp in Hollywood productions. There’s been an outpouring of interest and questions about exactly what these objects mean in cinema, where they came from & why their seemingly everywhere even still today in movies and major streaming shows!

Well we have the proprietor of “The Green Lamp Conspiracy” instagram page on for a rare and exclusive interview into what he believes is the bizarre origin of an alien conspiracy in Hollywood dating back to the late 1800’s. Check out some of the bizarre theories brought to the table by “Mr. Green” and decide for yourself!

Did You Spot the Sinister Emerald Green LAMP in ‘Stranger Things’ 4?!!

Did you see it?! The legendary mysterious emerald green lamp has reared its bizarre head in the latest season of Stranger Things! If you’re in the dark about the odd real world Hollywood conspiracy theories around the lamp, don’t fret, get the full scoop HERE!

 OK so now that you’re well versed in the strange & mysterious Hollywood conspiracy theory of the Emerald green lamp, I wanted to just showcase a couple of the screenshots in case you might have not noticed it’s appearance in the show recently. Of course Stranger Things is the perfect series for the elusive lamp to make its re-emergence onto the scene.

If the fantastical rumors are indeed true, we might speculate perhaps the lamp has been brought back into circulation to try to ensure Netflix’s rise back to the top again? They were reportedly suffering a problematic subscriber drop. Maybe the lamp was brought to set to amplify the actors abilities or maybe even subliminally affect the viewers? Whatever the case the only thing that really matters here is that the emerald green lamp has emerged into 2022!





Movie Reviews: Shatner Kills Demons with a Bazooka?! Killer Clowns from Wisconsin?!

I headed out to the local video store the other night (yeah in Portland we still got an amazing one called Movie Madness) to rent some movies, just like we used to do back in the good ol’ days. Let’s face it folks, sometimes it’s nice to take a break from the bland streaming services like Netflix and physically roam around a video store in hopes of stumbling across something entertaining. I decided this time I’d check out some new stuff I haven’t seen streaming out there.

First up was ‘Gags The Clown’ a movie I’d wanted to check out for quite some time now, being a Wisconsin native for much of my life & knowing this horror flick takes place in Green Bay (a place I’d personally hung out so many times in my teens & twenties) made this a no brainer rental. The cover art alone is pretty awesome and would look lovely gracing an old VHS.

Anyway I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not a giant fan of “found footage” horror movies and it’s been pretty played out these days in my opinion at least. But in this case I was lured in mainly because I’m just downright intrigued by movies made in ‘The Dairy state’. So the idea of ‘Gags’ was inspired by the whole creepy clown roaming the streets in real life viral video phenomenon a few years or so back. The interesting thing here is that creator of ‘Gags’ actually took advantage of this using his character to supposedly fool local Green Bay residents and the local news to report on it, eventually gathering up some worldwide interest in the creepy clown. A pretty brilliant marketing move to say the least. Continue reading

Is There An Evil Online Conspiracy Against ‘The Last Jedi’?!

Wow, I wasn’t even planning on writing about ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ because let’s face it, there’s enough material about this movie online for you to read for decades. However after seeing the movie and being thoroughly disappointed, (and more so everyday the more I think about it) I’ve become well aware that I’m NOT the only one who feels this way. Some SPOILERS ahead….

What inspired me to write this post is the recent news of the giant backlash against the movie from fans simply being called a conspiracy by anti-social justice warriors who’re irate about the inclusion of strong female characters & racial diversity in the new movie. It’s claimed they’ve essentially hacked Rotten Tomatoes and have brought the fan score to a whopping low of 54% while the critics reviews rate it 92% fresh. I’ve decided to put my opinion here, to state as a long time fan, since I was a little boy, that the reason I disliked The Last Jedi has absolutely zero to do with strong female characters, white males, racial diversity, or anything that has to do with the current political landscape of the real world.

It actually upsets me that Disney simply can’t accept the fact that maybe, just maybe, their $200 million plus budget movie might not have pleased a huge number of long time fans. I can see many reasons why people absolutely love The Last Jedi AND I can also see just as many reasons why people may absolutely despise it. It may for some all revolve around shitty people being racist, sexist, bigots who’re furious about Rey being female and Finn being a black male fronting the franchise now. I however don’t think that’s the case for most, as The Force Awakens holds an 88% on Rotten Tomatoes by fans and I highly doubt everyone suddenly became upset about the sex and race of characters between the last movie and this one. No, the people I know who were disappointed had completely different issues with the movie entirely. Continue reading

Could Donald Trump Be Punking The USA?!

I saw this amazing Cracked video recently that poses the question, what if Donald Trump is just an elaborate prank? As I watch this strange election year unfold I’ve more than once thought this exact same question. It’s become at this point completely absurd that Trump has somehow managed to advance at all as the presumptive Republican nominee.

Aside from all of the hateful, asinine bull shit this guy has spouted he’s also said some things that are simply too unbelievable for any mainstream candidate. I’ve often times thought perhaps this year his new reality show IS the Presidential Election. I mean who would have ever thought you could appeal to people by being a total douchebag any and every chance you can. It’s batshit crazy that his “message” is resonating with anyone, even total idiots. So here’s an awesome video that to me seems at this point the most believable storyline of the Trump candidacy thus far check it out if you haven’t already!

Well? It seems possible doesn’t it? But wait there’s more here’s a little reality adding fire to the strange conspiracy theory, there’s rumors that perhaps Trump was called upon by the Clinton’s from the start too screw up the Republican Party. It’s well known fact that him and the Clinton’s have been buddies for years, it makes me wonder if indeed this really is some strange prank. Check this video from the Young Turks out: 

Hmmm…pretty fucking weird huh? Anyway I guess we’ll see, can anyone really be as blatantly idiotic as Trump? Or are we all in for the ultimate “Gotcha” moment?! Only time will tell I guess….

Sellin’ Beer in 1984 With Jesse The Body Ventura!!

So it’s 1984, you got a liquor  store and  you live in the Midwest  – how are you gonna beat out your competitors? Well that’s a no brainer  you get Jesse the Body Ventura to endorse your store!! Hell yeah that’s what they did here in this little clip from way back in the day! I gotta say I was always  a fan of Jesse in the WWF and even more so I gotta say today he’s one of the coolest people around. So cool I have been hoping Ventura would run for President in 2012 as it has been rumored because the guy would have my vote in a heartbeat! If you don’t know his political stances check them out on Youtube, if you ain’t interested then just check out how rad he was back in the 80’s as he claims he doesn’t drink beer from a bottle but rather a motherfuckin’ keg!