Tagged: interview

EXCLUSIVE Interview: The Green Movie Lamp Conspiracy…..Uncovered?!!

We covered some of the wild conspiracy theories that have weaved their way online about the emerald green lamp in Hollywood productions. There’s been an outpouring of interest and questions about exactly what these objects mean in cinema, where they came from & why their seemingly everywhere even still today in movies and major streaming shows!

Well we have the proprietor of “The Green Lamp Conspiracy” instagram page on for a rare and exclusive interview into what he believes is the bizarre origin of an alien conspiracy in Hollywood dating back to the late 1800’s. Check out some of the bizarre theories brought to the table by “Mr. Green” and decide for yourself!

Movie Review: The Many Twists & Turns of ‘Cult of Chucky’!

I’ve been soooo pumped for ‘Cult of Chucky’ ever since the stunning after credits scene of the awesome previous installment ‘Curse of Chucky’ back in 2013. So this week I wasted no time when it was released streaming on Netflix tuesday, the question was it worth the wait for all of us Chucky-fans?!

Overall I’m gonna say it was a pretty compelling sequel, but it for me didn’t quite live up to the full on battle royale I was hoping for between Andy Barclay (yeah the actor kid, Alex Vincent, from the first two movies returns!!) and ol’ Chuck. Once I got past that aspect of the movie, the fact of the matter is that it brings some great new twists and turns to now ongoing epic story of the legendary killer Good Guy doll. I guess in my head I pictured Andy being more of the main focus of this one, finally settling the score once and for all. From the movie’s strong start we get an awesome glimpse into Andy’s world now and how he’s become somewhat of a gun toting, weapon wielding badass (still claiming though he’s all for gun control). I love the opening sequence and it alone has some great surprises that will get your heart a pumpin’.

The majority of the rest of the movie follows ‘Nica’, Charles Lee Ray’s daughter (Fiona Dourif) as she’s imprisoned in a mental institution, brainwashed, believing Chucky isn’t real and in fact she’s the one responsible for the murderous rampage of the last film. Along the way we meet some interesting characters in the psyche ward and of course Jennifer Tilly, who looks totally amazing still somehow by the way, returns to start some major mischief herself! This one’s full of crazy surprises, plot twists and some ultra impressive gory moments. It’s also got it’s fair share of comedy, some of it landing and some it not so much. Chucky looks pretty awesome too and this time around they’ve steered away from using any CG to enhance his movement or face. There are a few dodgy scenes of CG I could have done without and to be quite honest I wasn’t a big fan of the “way too shiny” look of the insane asylum but hey maybe that’s how these places actually look in 2017?

Without spoiling anything I can say there are some great scenes involving Andy and it’s really great have him back for old fans of the franchise, I mean who’d have ever thought we’d see the original actor back again in the role?! I also really love the ending of this movie, at least the new insane development it brings to the table, what the HELL happens next? We’re left with a great cliffhanger, part of me was a bit surprised when the movie ended, it seemed like the finale was really ramping up and then boom it was over, to me a bit too soon. Overall though ‘Cult of Chucky’ shows how a horror franchise can continue on without being given a flimsy forgettable Hollywood remake. It adds a bizarre new chapter to the Child’s Play story with fresh new ideas and surprises a’ plenty-what did you think?! 

OH yeah, the Netflix version doesn’t for some reason feature the after credits sequence that’s on the DVD – seek it out if you’re a big fan of the movies, it’s another great scene and return of a classic character from the franchise!!

Revisiting: Demon Knight, Dead Calm, Chatting With Billy Zane & V-Force!

I recently decided to watch some classic Billy Zane movies, why you ask? Well a little while ago he filmed a scene for a new movie in my store Hollywood Babylon in Portland, Oregon. Yeah, I was pretty damn excited to arrive at the shop to find out that he was there fully ready to get into character. I actually really like a handful of his movies a lot, but I’d admit it’d been too long since I watched any classic Zane….

First on my list was ‘The Phantom’, which came out twenty years ago. I’ve always thought this was a great comic book movie and dusting off my dvd reinforced just that. Yeah the movie is admittedly totally cheezy but it’s like a superhero version of Indiana Jones: pure pulp, cool sets, great practical effects and a ton of classic action. It apparently didn’t do well at the box office so we never got a sequel, but here Zane shines as a good guy for once. Normally he plays a villain, and always a damn good one so it’s nice here to see him playing the classic comic book icon The Phantom in all of his glory. The movie doesn’t reinvent the wheel, it just delivers a perfect saturday matinee popcorn movie. Give it a watch again, it’s aged quite well. Continue reading

WTF?! Did M. Night Shyamalan Just Make the Best Horror Flick of 2015?!

Well, well, well, I must admit I didn’t see this coming! Yeah I’m a bit perplexed myself at just how much I liked M. Night Shyamalan’s new movie “The Visit”!! I am going to go as far to say it’s quite possibly the best horror movie I’ve seen thus far in 2015. Some major contenders were “It Follows”, “The Babadook” and “We Are Still Here” but I’d certainly put The Visit up against any of those. I alway knew Night had it in him somewhere to make a full on horror movie and this time around he certainly went the distance. This is easily the darkest of any film he’s ever done and it proves that he shines on a smaller stage, with a smaller budget. Night should stay far as far away from the summer blockbuster territory as he possibly can. I also think he’s invented a new style of horror flick “Senior Citizen Terror”!!

The Visit is not only a return to form, but it’s also a transformation for the film maker. It show’s in a way that he’s grown up a bit and has become a bit more of a risk taker. He’s willing to scare the shit out of you this time around, pulling no punches like he did previously. I’ve always suspected if he let loose he’d be able to craft something really genuinely scary. You know how most of his movies reach the final act and they get kinda….family friendly? Well this one goes to some dark places and then some. In fact there are some scenes in this movie that you will NEVER be able to erase from your memory. A bold statement for any horror flick but it seems M. Knight was done fucking around this time. The guy has had a quite a string of clunkers under his belt recently and it goes to prove a point, never underestimate a guy who’s down on his luck with nothing really left to lose.

The Visit really shines in it’s simple plot. Two kids go to visit their grandparents which they’ve never met because of a falling out that their mother had with them when she was much younger. So really it’s a bit of a story of trying to forgive and forget the past and hopefully move on. And really, we all can relate to being a little kid staying with grandparents, no matter how sweet they were they always seem a bit odd especially through the eyes of a child. Of course the plot thickens when Granny and Gramps do start acting a bit odd during the daytime really fucking weird when the sun goes down!

This movie has got some great acting as well and the movie’s real stars are definitely the young boy played by Ed Oxenbould and his grandmother played by Deanna Dunagan. The Visit surprisingly also is one of the few modern horror flicks that really puts children in serious fucking danger, which is something you rarely see in this day and age. So kudos to Shyamalan for having the guts to go the distance here. It’s really best if you know as little as possible about this one as it’s packed with surprises and yes….a damn good twist!

Last my only real complaint at all is the found footage route Night decided to go with this. I’ll admit I wasn’t thrilled about the idea going into it all. Seeming at first a little late to the party perhaps, he really does utilize this medium quite well to tell the story. He does it so well with no creepy score that this feels pretty damn realistic when all is said and done. He also blends some great comedy throughout somehow that works leap and bounds better than any movie he’s tried to pull this in before. So final thought, I’d say it’s safe to say M. Night Shyamalan is back. Scarier, bolder and riskier than ever before and I hope this time he’s realized he’s at his best when trying to scare the shit out of us.

Alpha Riff’s Superhero Swag & Def Rhymes!!

I’ve gotta take a few minutes here to mention Alpha Riff one of the best new rappers on the scene. Alpha has got some serious skills and he just so happens to rap about some of my favorite topics around like comic books, superheroes, cartoons and well, all things that are awesome! He’s straight out of New Orleans (at the moment) and has a ton of music you can check out! Two albums under his belt to be exact and he doesn’t seem to be showing any sign of slowing down anytime soon.

Alpha Riff fits nicely along side nerdcore rap heroes like MC Chris, Optimus Rhyme & MC Frontalot. In fact it’s sounds like Frontalot himself hyped Alpha Riff on Twitter and generated the buzz that’s still surrounding him. Check out some Alpha riff on Facebook, Soundcloud and at his official website. Also check out an exclusive interview with him over at Uncommon Geek, one my fav blogs. Here’s a great video for his single “Superhero Swag”- Check this out and get down!   

Yee-haw!! Big Info on Michael Dougherty’s ‘Amblin’ Style KRAMPUS Movie!!

Just had to share this awesome newly released movie poster for the upcoming ‘Krampus’ due out this Christmas from Michael Dougherty! I’ve been waiting for years for some one to really step up to the plate to deliver some serious X-mas horror and it really baffles me how it’s taken this long to get a real Krampus Christmas movie! What excited me even more is that Dougherty is directing this one and if you’ve seen his awesome “Trick R’ Treat” Halloween horror flick you’ll understand why. So here we have this totally rad retro throwback movie poster, with real artwork (which is a nice touch these days) and fold lines- this gets me even MORE excited for this movie!!

Here’s an interview from yesterday with Dougherty and the cast of Krampus from the 2015 Comic Con!! Sounds like this one is going to be an ‘Amblin’ style (Goonies, E.T., Poltergeist) flick..wow…

What do David Bowie & Wolverine Have in Common?

Word on the street is that The Wolverine, the sequel to the god damn awful “X-men Origins: Wolverine” is possibly back on track after the recent depressing news that Darren Aronofsky, had left the project. Naturally I thought the worst, thinking our new director would be some hack like Michael Bay or Uwe Boll and we’d get a repeat of the last movie-more shit served up hot for us true Wolverine fans.



Well it seems someone out there still gives a damn about ol’ Wolvie as new has hit that Duncan Jones, son of David Bowie and director  of the amazing sci-fi movie Moon and most recently Source Code  (which I’ve yet to see). If you’ve seen his work you’ll agree that if he does indeed direct The Wolverine we’ll be getting something special from a director who actually cares about the final product. So once again, I am excited about  a new Wolverine movie, so please guys don’t let me down again….

Check this interview out where we get a little bit of the scoop on Wolverine!

Everything You Need to Know About Monsters and More!

I just stumbled upon and interview/article that’s got everything you need to know about the master of monsters, Guillermo Del Toro! I have to say I pretty much worship the guy and love just about every movie he’s made or even produced for that matter (minus Splice).

In this interview you get the scoop on what makes this guy tick, just why he LOVES monsters so much, his upcoming projects (no Hulk news yet though) and what his plans were for the Hobbit. Anyway I am crossing my fingers too for a Hellboy 3 but still no word-in the mean time check this interview out here!   

In the Video below he talks about his upcoming Lovecarft epic At the The Mountains of Madness…

Peter Venkman’s busted!

So I am sure many of you heard about the recent leak of information about Ghostbusters 3 straight from Sigourney Weaver’s mouth! It seems she let the cat out of the bag about Bill Murray’s bizzare return to the franchise. No, Dr. Peter Venkman won’t be busting ghosts in the third film, it seems he’ll be the one being busted. She stated that Murray will be a Ghost in the third movie.

Continue reading

Roger Rabbit Returns….

Over the weekend it was revealed that Robert Zemekis is indeed bringing Roger Rabbit back to the big screen. There hasn’t been too much solid info revealed on the sequel except that movie will be penned by it’s original writers Peter Seaman and Jeffrey Price. There has been talk of making the movie partailly in 3-D and using motion capture for all characters other than the cartoons in a recent interview I saw at Mtv.com. Something is starting to sound a little well how can I put it quite simply? Lame!


So wasn’t the charm of the first movie the fact that the Toons were existing in the real world? Continue reading