Tagged: D&D

Paperless Table Top D&D: The Ipad Takes Over the Dungeon?!

So I arrived at my weekly D&D session this last sunday, ready to play a brand new adventure, stepping down from the throne of being the Dungeonmaster & eager to finally play a game as a PC! As I entered the room I saw the usual suspects getting the table set up for the first night of the new game, however something was different, there were four Ipad/tablet stands set up on the table in from of each seat where there might usually be some folders a stack of papers and some players handbooks, monster manuals etc. At first sight it kinda shocked me but then I quickly realized my group had decided to make the tech savy switch from the middle ages straight into the modern world!

I had sat down with my stack of papers and newly hand drawn pictures of my character, the rest of the group said “Check out this app we are using for d&d now it’s amazing!” they all began to show me their characters, all neatly on their Ipad screens and I’ve gotta say it was quite impressive. No more pencil scribbles, wine stains or candle wax upon a weathered piece of paper. Press the tabs on the screen and it tells you all you need to know, instantly calculates your hit points, heck it even rolls a dice on screen for you when you press a tab! The next question was “are you gonna bring your Ipad and get this App or what?!” I responded that I spend enough time as it is looking at computer screens, smart phones and my Ipad at home that I wasn’t quite ready to integrate it into my world of D&D just yet!

So what’s the damn problem huh?! Should I just drop this old school pen and paper attitude already?! Get with the damn times with my D&D? I mean, does anyone even use pen and paper for table top RPG’s anymore?! Do people even roll real dice? The last game I DM’d I had a giant stack of papers, and a ton of books piled around me! It was a frantic scene of animated movement as I paged through books checking rules while role playing all the NPC’s like a damn madman! So now our new DM is equipped with an Ipad and stated the fact that in this day and age you don’t even need books to play the game anymore. It’s true, but part of that make me a bit sad in a way. There’s something quite charming about the old school pencil and paper game, where you might have to add and subtract on a piece of paper, erase some stuff with a rubbery eraser or write down your new magic item with a page number next to it.

In a way it feels like the only way to play for me, I almost imagine myself transported back to 1970’s when the game had some mystery behind it still and the religious fanatics thought it was causing people to worship Satan. But It clearly ain’t the 70’s and I suppose it’s only a matter of time before I get on the ol’ Ipad bandwagon and bring my trusty hi-tech tablet along to the game of swords & sorcery. Paper books are surely on their way to becoming extinct, all music now is downloaded, comics are headed to digital downloads and let’s face it there a motherfuckin’ “app” for pretty much anything and everything you can imagine these days. For the mean time, I know I’m dying breed of  D&D player, a bit like I’m actually living in the dark ages and for the moment i’m going to relish in it, but man I gotta admit those Ipad apps sure do look slick…now if I really wanted to be shocked I guess I could have walked into this:


Elvenking Brings The Power Metal Back to the Dungeon Again!

I had to take a moment here to plug some new power metal that I’m really diggin’ at the moment! The new Elvenking album recently dropped and just as I was getting ready to write them off completely as a weak ass emo band, they bring us a super tuff new album in form of ‘The Pagan Manifesto’. The Italian band started out back in 1997 as a rad folk/power metal band and through the years shifted their style to something much more mainstream, even changing their look to something more like an emo mall metal band. They got some shit for their shift in appearance and sound, but now here they are in 2014 bringing back the fantasy themed metal the way it should sound when you’re fighting a vicious band of orcs on a trail in a wicked dungeon!

It’s funny because in my D&D group we always play power metal stuff like, Blind Guardian, Iron Maiden & Rhapsody when we do battle-yeah cheezy I know, but it really does get the blood pumping and the natural twenties rollin’! If you play D&D give it a shot-your PC’s will dig it. Anyway, Elvenking has several awesome albums, like Heathreel, Wyrd & The Winter Wake. Check these guys out if you’re jonesin’ for some good catchy fantasy metal-here’s their latest video, my guess is that the band got hardcore into Game of Thrones and decided it was time to bring back the fantasy!

Here’s another one of my faves from the album:

Goodbye 4th Edition hello “D&D Next”? Hmmm…

I recently just finished playing my first D&D 4th edition adventure, and though it was a good time I just personally wasn’t sold on the changes that were made to the game. I know 4th edition is old news now, but the reason why it took so long for us to finally try 4th was because we all liked 3.5 so much and the freedoms that come with those core rules. What they were trying to do with 4th was to make it more like playing a modern video game, which left for some stiff battle action amongst other things. It just wasn’t very interesting.


I’m getting ready to launch a new adventure where I will be the Dungeonmaster and we’ve all chosen to go back to playing version 3.5. Now though I play D&D more frequently than most gamers I’m not too up on all the new D&D merch and pre-written campaigns. All of our adventures are written by our DM, whomever that might be for each adventure. I like to think that we’re a creative bunch, we take it seriously but still like to socialize at times while playing, drink and smoke all while in the confines of the a candle lit basement. Just generally taking a real break from the real world.


So now I’ve just been hearing that D&D Next is the new thing for table top role players. So now just what the hell is D&D Next? It seems that Wizards of the Coast has had people downloading free play tests of this new edition. Supposedly “Next” is more of a throw back and combination of the previous editions. Thus far there is no firm release date for this new edition. I’ve heard some positive reviews for it, but at this point I’d have to be sold pretty hard on it to switch again to another system, obviously releasing new editions is a good way to make money but if it ain’t broken why try and fix it? here’s a few videos I found interesting about it!

Or if you have a few hours to spare you can watch this official game go down using D&D Next rules:

The History of D&D!

I am a huge D&D nerd, I pretty much play every week and I’ve spent many years in the Dungeon Master’s chair. I’ve been checking out this neat-o little documentary called “The Dungeons & Dragons Experience” on Youtube piece by piece. It will give you some cool history on its origins and it will also take you into different peoples games and styles, revealing the legendary secrets shrouded in mystery for years by the taboo table top role playing experience.


It’s a cool little obscure film that gives that will give you everything you ever wanted to know about the world’s most popular RPG. Check it out if you play or if you’re one of those people who are always asking me what it’s all about! I posted all seven segments below..

Continue reading

Take Me To Unicorn City Please!

Being a big fan of D&D, LARP-ing has always been a serious curiosity of mine. I hope someday to actually try it for real as it’s become quite popular over the years. However what is the real reason why it’s gotten so much attention? To me it’s apparent that it’s an easy thing to poke fun at. Yeah I do see how silly it is, I mean grown women and men playing pretend in the forest. To me though it looks like a great time and a great escape from this mundane world we currently inhabit.

This form of entertainment has been featured in quite a few films, like “Role Models”, documentaries like “Monster Camp” a more serious thriller in the awesome “Wild Hunt” and even popular music videos (Red Fang). So let’s add another comedy to the list the upcoming “Unicorn City”.

Even if it’s another tear on LARP-ers it’s still getting the word out there and getting me a step closer to some day try it for myself! Check out the trailer!

Don’t Go to Prison! You Won’t Be Able to Play…..D&D?!!

I know, I know what the HELL is this world coming to you ask? Just recently here we get a crazy report in Florida, which isn’t really that surprising, about a naked man eating the face off of another naked man under a bridge and grunting like a zombie. What’s up with that folks? I know I just had to at least address that because it’s pretty much the weirdest thing I’ve heard…well almost ever! Except for this maybe, did you know that if for some weird reason you go to prison and you’re a  rpg-er, chances are, won’t ever be able to play Dungeons & Dragons again!!! EVER!

Seriously if I were to some reason get life in the slammer I always thought that at the very least I could play some mad ass D&D!!! Think about it, you get locked up for years or maybe even life and all hope is lost…then you suddenly remember D&D is the perfect game for prison! Hell you could play every day, have countless rad adventures up til your dyin’ day…well no more folks. At least in Wisconsin, my native state, where courts decided in 2010 (which I first heard about now) to ban D&D! According to them it causes gang like behavior! Really?! They also went on to add Dungeons & Dragons could “foster an inmate’s obsession with escaping from the real-life correctional environment, fostering hostility, violence and escape behavior,” prison officials said in court. That could make it more difficult to rehabilitate prisoners and could endanger public safety, they said. They also noted D&D could lead to Continue reading

Step Aside Nerdcore Rappers and Make Some Room for Lisel!

I love the Nerdcore genre of hip hop! Geez I wonder why huh? Well check out this clip from the yet unreleased short film “Writing Lyrics”. It’s a pretty amazing rap that’s sure to put a smile on any dorks dice rollin’ face. There’s really not too much info out there on this film or it’s story (all I really know is it’s about a LARPin’ rapper who feels out of place in world), but judging from this clip alone it’s bound to be a lot of fun. “Lisel” in the clip is a Portlander here and recently mentioned to me that she’s planning to start kicking out the jams again this year-I guess we’ll see if she continues rapping about multi sided dice & LARPing (I hope so) but in the meantime keep your eyes peeled for more info about the film-hopefully it will someday be released….

Jesus saved me from Dungeons & Dragons!!!

Check out this comic strip called Dark Dungeons ©1984 by Jack T. Chick LLC. These were passed out and used as a tool for equipping christians for evangelism in the 1980’s. I went to Catholic church but have somehow fell under the powers of the devil by my weekly D&D playing!!! Good thing i found these comics by Jack T. Chick online and got set straight-sorry guys D&D is officially cancelled-check this out!

dd-11 Continue reading