Tagged: the penguin

Hey Jared Leto….The Joker isn’t Fat or Muscular!! Uggh…

What the hell is up with Hollywood and The Joker?! It seems that they just don’t have any real clue on how to go about bringing The Joker to life on the big screen! This new Suicide Squad movie is giving me bad vibes and Jared Leto’s at it again trying to gain weight for yet another role. Apparently this time we may be getting a “fat” or muscular Joker, in a recent interview in Billboard he went to say this about his upcoming role as The Joker-“I’m trying to gain weight,” Leto told his interviewer, while munching on vegan tacos. “It means I have to eat every couple of hours — and I’m terrible at eating a lot.” Does he even know who The Joker is and what he looks like?

Just add some white face paint and there we have it another Joker wannabe!

I’ll go on record saying that I enjoyed Nicholson’s pudgy Joker and Heath Ledger’s normal guy Joker with a painted face and yeah I loved Cesar Romero’s look with his mustached Joker (probably the closest looking to the comic book of the mainstream) but none of those Jokers got it “right”. When I see any of them I have to say “he did a good job but he really didn’t scream classic Joker to me”. I have said it before the only one who truly nailed The Joker’s comic book look was  Andrew “Boner” Koenig from the brilliant Batman “Dead End” short film.

Andrew Koenig, Growing Pain’s “Boner” nails it as The Joker!!!

What’s up with Hollywood? Why would Leto need to put on the pounds to play The Joker? Hearing this news make me pretty disappointed. The Joker is the most iconic comic book villain of all time, so why can’t they give us the classic Joker already? I often wonder why these movies have to tweak a machine that is clearly not broken! Give us a comic book Joker, no face scars, not fat or muscular, just a rail thin freak of man who’s completely bat shit crazy! Maybe Leto should have played the Penguin?! This, Hollywood, is what the Joker looks like…







And if you somehow missed Batman: Dead End check it!

Finally the Fight We Have Been Waiting for: Batman vs……Dexter?!

Boy do I love a good fan made film, often times they are more inspiring than the big blockbusters! We’ve had some cool superhero fan films over the years but this one is quite a bizarre match up when Dexter Morgan moves to Gotham and decides to go after The Penguin and put him on his table to pay for his crimes!

Not a bad idea, until Batman shows up to stop him! Check this one out, it’s a pretty fun little piece of work…maybe Batman isn’t quite as cool looking as he could be, ok  I admit it..he looks pretty bad but it’s the thought that counts right?!

oh yeah and if you missed this one check this out, an awesome return to animated Batman by the series cartoon legend Bruce Timm, truly amazing!!