Tagged: dazzler

Comic Cover of the Week: Bill Sienkiewicz DAZZLES!

Comic cover of the week? More like ‘album cover’ of the decade! Here’s just another example of just how amazing of an artist Bill Sienkiewicz is once again. I’m blown away that rock bands weren’t knocking down his door to do their album cover artwork. Dazzler #27 (from 1983) surely does “dazzle”and if you take a minute to look at the whole collection of his Dazzler artwork it’s just as good as this-some of the most awesome “80s” imagery of the decade…hands down!

Comic Cover of the Week: The Most TOTALLY 80s Cover of the 1980s!!

Bill Sienkiewicz just NEVER disappoints (I dare you to try to prove me wrong!) and today here’s the real proof of that-especially if you’re a true fan of 1980s nostalgia. The character of ‘Dazzler’ alone is one of the ultimate superheroes of the era- that’s for sure. She’s always had such cool style & wild fashion so when she was given her own series, Bill Sienkiewicz made sure to give you some of his best freakin’ cover art of his career. Issue #33 from 1984 has just got to be the most totally 80s jam of the decade, a play on Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’, this one’s a true masterpiece, ‘Chiller’ features a Dazzler story for comic and pop fanatics alike – check it! I NEED this as a poster on my damn wall!

Those Old 80’s Marvel Comics….Photo Covers?!!

Man oh man how I love a good comic book cover! So much that I dedicate blog posts as often as possible focusing on my favorite comic book covers of all time. Well I’m not sure if you remember way back in the 1980’s but they had a string of issues where there was no cover artist. Instead they decided that they’d give us some live action superhero action! Now this sounds like a wonderful idea today, but back then it was a bit more difficult to really get the superhero look down on film. However these issues were ones as a kid I never forgot so let’s take another quick look at those legendary Marvel “photo” covers!