Vintage Elastic Superheroes STILL Rule!!

Stretch Armstrong and Stretch Monster were all the rage in the 70’s and early 80’s, so natural Marvel & Mego had to get on board with the trend! Sure having Stretch Spider-man and Hulk really didn’t make any sense!


To me it would at least make sense to have a Mr. Fantastic stretch figure wouldn’t it?! I guess they did it far later in the game, but still these were a time when toys really were something special-either that or I’m just a nostalgic geek!!

Finally Mr. Fantastic from 2005, not sure if he was filled with the weird goo that the ones from the 70’s were though!



One comment

  1. miss b

    omg stretch armstrong!! we had a hulk stretch armstrong when we were kids and my brother and I tried to stretch him across the backyard and we ruined him. it was a sad day. we thought he would stretch forever!!

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