Comic Book Cover of the Week: When Cerebus Met Wolverine…I mean Wolveroach!

Back in the 1980’s I loved the indie comic Cerebus, mainly for the artwork, because quite honestly it’s content seemed quite a bit over my head back in those days. Dave Sim is an incredible artist and the creator of Cerebus the Aardvark which ran from 1977 all the way to 2004. In the comic one of the supporting characters was The Roach which Sim used to parody several Marvel & DC characters. I remember back in the 80’s seeing these cool covers as Cerebus was a comic book my older brother collected. I was always intrigued by them and posting these covers is making me wonder if it is indeed time to give Cerebus another shot now that I’m older and supposedly wiser. Check these out as they feature The Wolveroach in all of his glory!


  1. Uncommon Geek

    I remember seeing this title back in the day (well, my day, anyway) when my hometown had a comic shop that was in business for a year or so! Never picked it up, though.

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